ESOL for Parents and Caregivers
In partnership with preschools, elementary schools, and one high school, ESOL for Parents programs help parents and guardians improve English skills and engage with children’s education at home and in school, while preparing for careers themselves. Parents learn how to be their child’s primary teacher, help children with homework, engage in active reading with children, and prepare for college. They practice asking questions and role playing for teacher conferences. During the pandemic, parents also gained skills to help their children participate in online learning.
Over the years, many ESOL for Parents
tudents have gone on to take leader-
ship roles on Parent Councils, as
ambassadors to other immigrant
families, and in their communities.
ENB resources include our hallmark
ESOL for Parents Curriculum, a High
School Companion Guide, and a
handbook on Community-School Partnerships and the Successful Parent ESOL Class. For more information, contact

Meet Kenia Garcia, a brave immigrant from El Salvador and the mom of three children. Kenia made the life- altering decision to come to America to escape the gangs in her homeland. She did not know any English or have a high school degree but was determined to find a better future for her family.
The English language was a huge obstacle that drive and motivation alone couldn’t overcome. Her lack of English skills left Kenia isolated and shy. She was unable to help her children with their schoolwork.
“When I arrived in this country everything was difficult because I did not know English…When I started working in a restaurant I did not understand what they told me and I could not communicate with my children’s teachers.”
But Kenia was lucky enough to land a spot in an ESOL for Parents class at ABCD Southside HeadStart Adult ESOL Program in Roslindale. ENB funding supports three levels of ESOL for Parents classes at ABCD. The curriculum was designed by ENB for parents like Kenia.
“When I started to come to ABCD I did not know anything. Through the help of the teacher I learned to read, to write and to pronounce the words better. I overcame my shyness and learned to be independent. “I’m thankful for the program ABCD and how it has helped me…now I can read the papers sent by my children’s teacher.”