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Immigrant Futures
in the Food Industry (IFFI)

Request for Proposals
Boston Immigrant Cooperative Alliance
Immigrant Futures in the Food Industry

In partnership with four food manufacturers, Mass Manufacturing Extension

Partnership and Boston Public Schools Adult Education, ENB enables

un/underemployed ESOL students to participate in combined English and

food manufacturing skills training before applying for entry level positions,

where they will enjoy quality jobs with living wages, benefits, ongoing training,

and career advancement opportunities.
IFFI assists food manufacturers to access well-prepared employees and train

candidates to meet industry standards. IFFI also draws on ENB’s community

ESOL programs across the City as a feeder system for students interested in

food manufacturing careers. This venture helps to address labor market gaps

while advancing re-employment and career goals of immigrant workers in the region. As the Massachusetts economy continues to depend on welcoming new Americans – the only growing segment of our population – ENB looks forward to sharing IFFI best practices across other sectors, especially those facing severe labor shortages.

For more information, please contact Thays Lobo, ESOL Economic Integration Manager:

Address food manufacturing industry demand for workers with required

English and skill competencies.

Assist un-/underemployed workers to gain the English skills, “soft” skills and technical skills
needed to enter and advance in the food manufacturing industry.

Develop replicable, culturally competent models best-suited to drive forward the
region’s economic recovery.

Employer Benefits
Access to a curated pool of qualified employees.

Hands on the process of developing curriculum and program design.

Fulfilment of company hiring and retention goals. Ability to promote trained workers from within
the company.

Access to training experts, the regional workforce development system, and colleagues in the field.

English for New Bostonians (Lead )


Food manufacturing companies

MassHire Boston Workforce

MassHire Metro North Workforce

MassHire Careers Centers

City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Workforce Development

For more information, please contact Thays Lobo at
185 Devonshire Street, 7th Floor, Boston, MA 02110

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